Monday, March 2, 2009

The Prodigal Deatherage Returns

What's up all my Deatherage fans, or Deatheragians, as they like to be called. It is I, your fearless leader, Fake Jason Deatherage here to give you all the low down on the smack down that I hand out at ASU everyday. I hand them out like the lady hands out the free samples of little Vienna Sausages and Trail Mix at the Costco.
This is my first blog post so I guess I should give you all an idea about what this blog will do, besides CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Basically I am the IT Guru and Mastermind for ASU's CoNHI. People were always coming up to me saying stuff like, "Hey Jason, you're such an IT Guru and Mastermind, you should write your stuff on the WWW (which means Websites on the Worldwide Web for those of you not in the know) so we can all see how awesome you are." Well, those people were right so I decided to give them all a thrill and throw out one of these blogs everyone has been talking about. This will basically go over what I've been up to, what I've been developing, and how much smack down I have to throw down on my boss Steve. So grab a seat and prepare to be bedazzled, Deatherage style.
So today I've been busy. It's a Monday which usually means I have to show off my scooter tricks. So I'm scootering around when I take a quick time out to grab a donut. Then I decide wait a second, why am I slacking on the job?!! So I scoot around in a circle, grab a donut, and scoot while I'm eating a donut. I think this is really a symbol for life; we look for all these giant ways to save time and streamline our operations but sometimes what we need to do is look at the little details because they add up, like a bunch of numbers in that calculator watch I want to buy.