Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Wanna be a Cowboy

I think that the stylings of the old west are underrated. That’s why I decided that I am single handedly going to bring them back. Cowboy clothes are for manly men and nobody is more manly than the I.T. Ninja. So I think I’ve got my perfect Macho Man Cowboy outfit picked out:

Cowboy Hat

Every tough hombre needs a freaking cool cowboy hat. This hat says I’m a tough cowboy and I also enjoy fine silk and velvet so I’m a Renaissance Man.

Cowboy Vest

Cowboy shirts are cool, especially the ones with the bolo ties on them. But when you’re as manly as me, a shirt doesn’t even work. It’s like I’m too freaking tough and it would basically burn off from my hot muscles glistening in the sun. A vest shows off my powerhouse physique and keeps me warm in the winter time.

Cowboy Pants Most cowboys you see in movies wear jeans. Those are fine for the 99% of cowboys out there, but I’m in the top 10% that have to wear leather. Let’s face it, most men shouldn’t wear leather pants, you have to be really tough like me. And matching shiny boots; the shinier the better. You want your pants and boots to radiate your manliness as you walk in the door of the nightclub or clarinet jam. I'm not sure if the picture of them is for men or a women, but I need the men's pair.

Well there you go, this is the outfit for a true hardcore MAN and any other man out there who likes the look of hardcore men would love this outfit too. I think I'm going to get this stuff and go out to some bars to see if I can find any other macho men to hang out with. If you ask guys if they want to go do cowboy stuff and they say yes, you pretty much know you found some awesome new friends who are just as tough as you are.